Nicholas Timme

Assistant Professor (Twitter)

University of Cincinnati - College of Medicine

Neuroscience Information Theory Toolbox

This software has moved to Github to facilitate collaboration and easy updating. It can be found here.

Previous versions of the software can be downloaded below. This download consists of a zipped folder that contains several neuroscience oriented MATLAB programs that can be used to perform information theory analyses. The software is capable of analyzing trial based and single trial data, as well as continuous and discrete data. The software contains functions to calculate entropy, mutual information, transfer entropy, various joint and conditional information functions, partial information terms, information gain, and information transmission. Note, these functions can be applied to data from other disciplines. See the README file, the demo files, and the software descriptions for help getting started.

Version 1 - November 10th, 2016

Version 2 - July 28th, 2017

NCC Toolbox

This download consists of a zipped folder that contains several MATLAB programs that can be used to perform various neural complexity and criticality analyses discussed in my methods article (link). Functions to perform power-law fits, shape collapses, and neural complexity calculations are included. Note, these functions (especially the power-law fitting functions) can be applied to non-neural data. See the README files, the demo files, and the software descriptions in the original article  for help getting started.

Version 1 - June 14th, 2016

Multivariate Information Theory Measures

This download consists of a zipped folder that contains several MATLAB programs that can be used to calculate the various information measures discussed in my information theory review article (link). Make sure to consult the README file for necessary information about the purpose of each file and file formats. This package includes programs that can be used to calculate the terms in the partial information decomposition (link to Williams and Beer's paper). (Download)

Back-Propagation Network Software

This download consists of a zipped file that contains the MATLAB software used to produce the back-propagation networks discussed in previous versions of my information theory review article (link). Make sure to consult the README file for necessary information on the files. (Download)