Nicholas Timme

Assistant Professor (Twitter)

University of Cincinnati - College of Medicine


  • 2/12 - I presented a poster on a new computational project at the Gordon Research Conference on Alcohol and the Nervous System in Galveston. I appreciate all the helpful feedback and I had a wonderful time connecting with other alcohol researchers.
  • 1/2 - Today was my first day at the University of Cincinnati as an assistant professor! I'm very excited and thankful for all the people who helped me on this journey.


  • 11/27 - Our paper on aversion-resistant drinking in head-fixed mice was published in Neuropharmacology (link).

  • 8/21 - I officially accepted a tenure track faculty position at the University of Cincinnati - College of Medicine! I will be in the Department of Pharmacology and Systems Physiology.

  • 6/28 - I presented a poster on head-fixed aversion-resistant drinking in head-fixed mice at the Research Society on Alcohol's annual meeting in Bellevue, Washington.


  • 7/9 - Our paper on dmPFC neural activity during compulsive drinking was published in Nature Communications (link).
  • 6/27 - I should have presented a poster on our head-fixed research at the Research Society on Alcoholism's annual meeting in Orlando, but Covid had other plans! I arrived at the conference and promptly tested positive. A lab member put the poster up, so hopefully people enjoyed reading it without me!
  • 4/28 - I did a virtual visit to LSU-HSC as part of the ADACE Post-Doc Seminar Series. Thanks to everyone involved for giving me the chance to share my work and get valuable feedback!


  • 10/7 - I presented a talk on our dmPFC compulsive drinking experiment to the IU Stark Neuroscience Research Institute. Thank you to everyone for the great feedback!

  • 9/17 - I presented an update to the Alcohol Research Seminar series on the head-fixed mouse experiments. I received a lot of great feedback and suggestions!

  • 6/8 - Our first ever cohort of head-fixed mice underwent their first day of task training!

  • 4/14 - I presented a talk on our research at a Cambridge NeuroTech webinar.

  • 4/9 - I presented a poster on our research at the Greater Indiana Society for Neuroscience chapter meeting. I was honored to win the post-doc poster award!

  • 3/16 - Our paper on dmPFC neural activity during compulsive drinking was posted on bioRxiv (link).

  • 3/8 - The K99 was funded today (link). Time to get started!

  • 2/16 - I presented a general addiction talk and some information about our research at the Oxford Science Cafe (link, sorry about the poor connection!). Shout out to Jake Bennett, my good friend from graduate school, for inviting me to give this talk!


  • 6/2 - I received my score on the K99. It was a 10! I'm so thankful for all the help I had in the grant writing process. This result wouldn't have been possible without Cherish Ardinger, Tasha Gilson, and (of course) Chris Lapish.

  • 5/18 - Our paper on ensembles of information sources was accepted at entropy (link).

  • 3/12 - I submitted the revised K99!


  • 9/5 - Our paper on aversion resistant drinking in P rats was accepted at Alcohol (link).
  • 6/22 to 6/26 - I attended the Research Society on Alcoholism's annual meeting in Minneapolis and presented a poster entitled "Examining the role of medial prefrontal cortex in aversion resistant drinking in alcohol preferring P rats."
  • 6/11 - I submitted the K99!
  • 6/1 - Our paper on encoding of drinking intent in medial prefrontal cortex was accepted at eNeuro (link).
  • 3/22 - An undergrad I supervise presented his first poster at the Indy SfN chapter meeting. It was titled "Exploring alcohol consumption levels by alcohol preferring P rats and Wistars in a simple limited access task."


  • 7/29 - Our information theory tutorial was published in eNeuro (link).
  • 7/13 to 7/18 - I attended the Organization for Computational Neuroscience annual meeting in Seattle and presented a poster entitled "Using information theory and a Bayesian model to examine the factors that influence the decision to consume alcohol in a rodent model of alcoholism." I also attended the subsequent workshop on information theory and presented a talk entitled "From neural cultures to rodent models of disease: examples of information theory analyses of effective connectivity, computation, and encoding."
  • 6/16 to 6/20 - I attended the Research Society on Alcoholism's annual meeting in San Diego and presented a poster entitled "A Bayesian model to explore the factors that influence the decision to drink in rodents."
  • 3/28 - Our paper on computation and rich clubs was posted to bioRxiv (link).
  • 3/27 - Our paper on maternal deprivation and altered neural encoding was published (link).
  • 3/3 to 3/9 - I attended the Alcohol and the Nervous System Gordon Research Conference and Seminar. At the seminar, I presented a poster entitled "Using a Bayesian model to explore the behavioral factors that influence the decision to consume alcohol in rodents." At the conference, I presented a poster entitled "Alcohol cue and drinking intent encoding is diminished in the prefrontal cortex of alcohol preferring rats."


  • 11/11 to 11/15 - I attended SfN 2017 and presented a dynamic poster on decision-making related information encoding in mPFC of rodents during an alcohol drinking task (link, page 1059, poster PD10/NN31)
  • 6/24 to 6/28 - I attended the Research Society on Alcoholism's annual meeting in Denver and presented a poster on our information theory analysis of neural data from a rodent model of compulsive drinking (link,  poster 051 - 380).
  • 5/31 to 6/2 - I attended the eighth Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (Sand8) workshop in Pittsburgh and presented a poster on our Neuroscience Information Theory Matlab Toolbox (link, poster 20).


  • 11/12 to 11/16 - I attended SfN 2016 and presented a poster on our Neuroscience Information Theory software package (link, page 1630, poster LLL30).
  • 11/10 - Our Neuroscience Information Theory software package was launched.
  • 9/27 - Our criticality and complexity paper was published (link).
  • 9/1 - Our dissociated culture data was posted on the CRCNS data sharing website (link).
  • 6/27 - Our criticality methods paper was published (link).
  • 6/14 - The Neural Complexity and Criticality (NCC) Matlab Toolbox was launched.
  • 5/9 - Our computation paper was published (link).
  • 1/20 - Our rich-club paper was published (link).
  • 1/6 - I started my post-doc in the Lapish Lab at IUPUI.


  • 12/19 - I graduated with a Ph.D. in Physics from Indiana University!
  • 12/4 - I defended my thesis!